Our Alma Mater
Springfield, New Jersey
Springfield, New Jersey
Our "Class Will" - with authentic spelling or mis-spelling


Mr. King-  and airplane
Mr. A. Kropinicki- a moustache trimer
Mr. Scocca-  a license for problem counseling
Mr. Kaplan- an new yearbook photographer
Miss Romano- a year's supply of cut slips
Mr. Lefever- a 50 pound can of pretzels
Mr Kulawiec- airwick for the chemistry lab
Mr. Albano- a shoehorn to get into his car

Ollie- his own private senior tirp
Emil- Bongo instructions
Bob Parella- a permanent job wi th Barnum and Bailey
Carol Marano- a copy of the Alma Mater, first and second verses
Eddie Reese- a trophy case
Walter Duda- a bill for Mr. Kaplan's broken glasses
Harry harth- a gift certificate to the nearest barber shop
Bob Williamson- a free course at Vic Tanney's
Bruce Wunneer- a book entitled "101 sounds of the Jungle"
Maureen Flynn- a record of "Blue Skies"
BIll Franklin- a list of addresses for the class reunion
Ralph Longo- a buss window
Mike Persico and John Petti- a mirror to admire themselves
Jim Thurston- a roof for his car
Richard Van Horn- a microphone with its own earphones
Bob Wilson and Paula Frankel- an invitation to next year's Senior Ball
Jim Weathersbee- the homeroom banner
Eugene Becker- The book "Consequences of Embezzlement"
Richard Siebert- an audience to talk to
Kathy Ruggieri- a hundred wigs to practice on
Richie Baker- a new set of legs
Dennis and Lois, Johnny and Joyce, Mickey and Lucy- a private battlefield for all their wars
Don Gibbons- his own battleship

Mrs. Leshick and Mr. McCabe- another Senior Class as great as ours to counsel